What’s a Fonty Dog?

A “Fonty Dog” is one of dozens of softball/social who played softball at The Lookout Mtn. Commons – usually unsuccessfully.

Over time, the term “Fonty Dog”, based on our beloved friend and sometimes pitcher, George Fontaine, grew to include anyone who loved softball and music and our social connections.

What is a Fonty Dog?
A Fonty Dog is an individual who likes to play, loves music, likes to laugh, makes mistakes and likes George Fontaine.

Is there anything that would disqualify me from becoming a Fonty Dog?
You cannot become a Fonty Dog if you don’t like George Fontaine.

Can a female become a Fonty Dog?
Yes, of course, but technically they are referred to as a “FontyDogette” (there is another name as well).

What are the benefits of becoming a Fonty Dog?
Besides a free collar, you are invited to attend the September 3 Weekend Reunion of Fonty Dogs, attended by Dogs from all over.

How do I learn more?
For more information, please go to www.fontydogs.com and sign up for Breaking Fonty Dog news – and most importantly, join the Fonty Dog Facebook group.

Please Forward to a Fonty Dog Wannabe! September will be most fun shared!
(do not forward to those who dislike George or ISIS)